Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Using Social Media In The Workplace To Communicate †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Using Social Media In The Workplace To Communicate. Answer: Introduction In present days, social media plays an effective role in the workplace. Social media is the place, where the employees and employers can be involved together. This can help to evaluate the communication effectively, where the information can be shared in an effective way. Social media can be used for the personal and professional purpose. According to Collins, Shiffman and Rock (2016), social media can encourage the employees to increase the participation and productivity of the organization. Most of the organizations fail to motivate t he employees for the employee engagement and as a result, the performance of the employees reduces due to ineffective communication. The study focuses on the effectiveness of the social media in case of communicating effectively in the workplace. Usage of social media for effective employee communication As mentioned by Kissel and Bttgen (2015), social media is growing in present days as the effective communication tool. The employers can convey the messages in various platforms so that the employees can understand the messages completely. The message can be shared formally and informally. Social media is the place, where the employees get the chance to know the other employees easily as many employees cannot communicate effectively face- to- face. Social media is one of the best platforms that make the communicating procedure easier to share the information (Vaast Kaganer, 2013). Most of the people do not feel easy to communicate face- to- face, whereas communicating is easier via the social media. Some effective social media sites Seven effective social media sites, which can be used for the communication of employees, are as follows: Face book: Most of the organizations have their own face book pages, where they share the important information about the company. Mainly the HR managers handle those pages, which helps the employees to know about the organization (Charoensukmongkol, 2014). This face book pages helps the employers to be connected with the employees all the time. The information that can be shared is the mission and vision of the organization, designation, benefits, enrollment deadline, policies, regulations, new approaches, and more. It is the best place, where the employees can share their views and discusses about the issues with others (Feeney Welch, 2016). This platform is related with the benefit programs. Yammer: Some of the organizations use enterprise chat service that is known as yammer. It is the internal module of communication. This can allow sharing the information socially via the board or projecting team of the organization. It is an online forum, which is easy to handle. It can be handled via the desktop system or mobile system by downloading the particular application. It cuts down the headache of communicating with the employees and the headache of emails also can be removed. In the workplace of present days, the competition has increased and it is necessary for the employers to always update the employees about everything of the organization. Twitter: twitter is another popular social media site, where the employees can share their views and resolve the queries easily. They can share the important information with the employees and with the wide range of audience. Big organizations like Google, Starbucks, and other big brands use this social media site so that the employees and other eligible candidates can be encouraged to engage in these organizations. Twitter is the best place to promote the organization to attract the employees. The communication way of twitter is faster and easy. The opinion can be share with so many people at a time. LinkedIn: LinkedIn is the best platform for the business owners, where they can create own intranet of the company. This allows the owners to manage the huge numbers of employee groups so that they can share the internal information easily. They can share the internal information of the events as well as important announcements. This can motivate the employees to take part in the effective communication. On the other hand, the employers can be able to solve the issues related to the employees and motivate them to develop skills so that they can utilize the skills in their activities in the workplace. Company Blogs: The company blogs is another platform, which the HR management uses to convey the benefits as well as other information of the organization. It works as the internal mechanism. The employees can get success and can easily access the information. It encourages the employees for the effective communication. It is the best place to conduct the QA sessions. The employees can easily participate in the session.The higher management can easily survey the employees if necessary and also can share the survey report with them easily. Hence, it is beneficial for both the employees and employers. Remote Access: The companies can use the social media to train the employees as well. The employers can arrange virtual training sessions for the focused group of employees. The organization can provide training remotely to the employees in remote time. With the help of the platform, the employees are able to watch the live video and can communicate with the trainers properly (Schultz et al., 2015). This is an effective platform for both the employees and employers and it is very time saving process of training. The employers can inter act with the employees very easily and the employees also are able to share their concern with the hierarchy easily. YouTube: YouTube is another motivating platform for an organization. The two renowned social media platforms, Meerkat and periscope provide the video of their live training, with which the employees can relate. Most of the companies cannot interact with their highermanagement easily and the videos of this platform can solve the issues for them. The employees can watch the online videos of different motivational people and organization. To develop the communication skill, the self- motivation is also necessary, which can be gained by watching such videos (Puijenbroek et al., 2014). The organizations can post the videos so that public can sees those and subscribe the channels for the motivation. It can be expected that the mentioned social media sites can help the employees to develop their communication with others and can utilize the platforms effectively and efficiently. Enabling to interact The usage of the social media sites as well as the mobile technologies allow the employees and the employers also for engaging in the real- time feedback instead of waiting for the annual appraisal meeting. Moreover, the self- motivation is necessary for the improvement of the communication strategies. The employees can take the help of the senior employees and can ask for the training if they need. However, in case of the new recruitment, the training is necessary as they need time to adjust with the working environment (Blaschke, 2014). Hence, they can be a part of the social media group and interact with other employees for the development of the skills and techniques. Conclusion Based on the above discussion, it can be said that social media is a he platform of communication and people can use it to communicate with other employees and employers. Social media can encourage the employees to increase the participation and productivity of the organization. The various platforms of the social media help both the employees and the employers to level up the situation of the organization. Some of the organizations use enterprise chat service that is useful for them and increase the motivation level of the employees and thus the production of the company. References Blaschke, L. M. (2014). Using social media to engage and develop the online learner in self-determined learning.Research in Learning Technology,22(1), 21635. Charoensukmongkol, P. (2014). Effects of support and job demands on social media use and work outcomes.Computers in Human Behavior,36, 340-349. Collins, K., Shiffman, D., Rock, J. (2016). 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